NV3 provides many options for customers who are interested in placing a Cell Phone Charging Kiosk outdoors. NV3 has a solar-powered kiosk ideal for parks and other areas without easy access to a power outlet. We also sell a portable trailer with multiple LED screens and ninety charging cables, perfect for fairs, outdoor concerts, and other events. Various companies rent or buy our Mobile Charging Trailers for use at festivals. They are perfect for publicity, and provide a community service as well. Event-goers flock to the charging trailers in order to keep their phones charged during an all day affair. Without charging service, groups may lose each other in the crowd and not be able to call. What’s more, many people use their phones to take photos and video in order to commemorate events. A charging kiosk or trailer is an essential amenity for crowded outdoor areas where phones are sure to be in constant use.
- Custom built trailers can be made green with the addition of solar panels
- Sports Clips rents Charging Trailer for the Baltimore Grand Prix
- Solar Kiosk Hershey Park
- The finished and installed NSK-10
- NV3 tests the MCT-12’s digital signage during the building process
- Stay connected outdoors with NV3’s mobile device charging trailer
Promote Communication and Safety Outdoors With Charging Kiosks and Trailers
Cell Phone Charging Kiosks in parks are equally practical. NV3’s solar-powered kiosk makes certain that even in forested areas or picnic locations, cell phone charging is still available. Park patrons may need a Cell Phone Charging Kiosk for any number of reasons. If they run out of battery, they may not be able to meet up with a group of friends. In an emergency, help may be delayed if a call cannot be made right away. NV3’s Cell Phone Charging Kiosks foster communication and promote safety wherever they are located, from festivals to concerts to a walk in the park.
- a walk in the park
- autumn by the stream
- concert
The Cell Phone Charging Kiosk also includes Digital Signage which can be programmed to display anything from advertisements to event or park information. The kiosk’s dual capability as a charging service and information point make it the ideal choice for crowded festivals or isolated nature trails. NV3 Technologies provides different levels of Digital Signage in order to meet every customer’s needs, and kiosks come in all shapes and sizes. The Solar NSK-10 Kiosk runs 100% on solar power, and is great for wooded areas, trails, and amusement parks. The Mobile Charging Trailer is the favorite choice for festivals and other temporary events. It’s designed to move from venue to venue and offers the best service for crowded areas. Investigate all NV3 has to offer and see exactly which charging kiosk is right for you.
nv3tech.com | 410.394.5500