Happy Groundhog Day, everyone! And in case you’re not sure what Groundhog Day is all about - or if you just want a little chuckle for the day - check out this fun video from laughingsquid.com.
I heard that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, which means another 6 weeks of winter. Read about it here. How do you feel about that? How has winter been for you this year? We here at NV3 have a little slush on the ground and a few slippery spots today, but temps are in the 40’s, which is nice compared to what it’s been like lately. I even saw a little sliver of sunlight trying to peek through the clouds while I was walking into work this morning! I’m ready for spring… but the sunsets sure are pretty this time of year. (It’s all about perspective, remember?!)
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