In our last post we discussed a few of the questions you might have as you explore the possibility of using NV3 as a solution. I’d love to answer your specific question, so please, don’t hesitate to ask.
A local business owner recently asked about the money-making possibilities available through integrating NV3 products into a business plan. There are actually a few ways an NV3 kiosk can be used as a tool to generate revenue.
- What if I want to use my NV3 unit to make a little extra cash?
- If desired, NV3 kiosks can be customized to accept either cash or credit cards, but not both. Your sales representative will be happy to help you decide which type of vending (if any) would better suit your needs. Kiosks cannot be converted from free-to-use to vending, or from vending to free-to-use. We would basically have to rebuild the machine, and as much joy as we get out of the building process, it would be counterintuitive for us to build (and you to pay for) the same thing twice. So keep that in mind when making the decision whether to require a fee for charging with your NV3 kiosk or to offer the service for free.
- Digital signage can also be used as a money-making tool: advertisers understand that cell phone charging will attract customers to your kiosk, so they will pay for a spot on your signage screen. While customers’ mobile devices are charging, there is a captive audience for the advertisements on the screen. A win-win, if you ask me!
There’s a post on our blog that highlights the differences between offering cell phone charging services for free or for a fee. Check out 2 Choices: Free or Paid Vending if you’re unsure which option is the right one for you. And, as always, feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns.
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