Car dealerships, automotive repair companies, and car washes have all found success with NV3 Technologies’ Cell Phone Charging Kiosk. The kiosk provides a charging service to customers who need to give their phones a boost. Customers may be waiting in line for repairs or to wash their car, and their phones may be the only entertainment available to them. If their phone is out of charge, checking messages or browsing social media is impossible, and this lack of activity is frustrating. What’s more, a customer may miss their phone in a dealership if they would like to call a significant other before making a purchase. Cell Phone Charging Kiosks keep customers engaged and connected to friends and family, creating a positive impression the moment they walk through the door. NV3’s kiosks are also equipped with an LED screen that can display anything, including advertisements. Advertisers will purchase slots on the kiosk, creating an opportunity for revenue for your company.
Let Customers Charge Their Devices in Car Dealerships and During Auto Repair
Charging Kiosks come in all shapes and sizes and are customizable to suit any need. NV3 Technologies offers many different models to choose from. Tabletop NTC-1912 Kiosks fit on a desk, wall mount, or pedestal stand, and are best for facilities with limited space. The Large NTC-32 Kiosk is better suited for lobbies or other public areas where the kiosk’s eye-catching LED screen can be put to good use. And the Thin NTC-3212 Kiosk combines the larger screen of the Large Kiosk with the small, wall mountable design of the Tabletop model. You have the option to brand your kiosk with a customized vinyl wrap displaying brand colors and logos, and all kiosks can be ordered as either free-to-use or pay-to-use machines. NV3’s charging kiosks fit any business plan.